Sustainable Projects
Our sustainable development stride remains one of the tripod upon which our BELEMAOIL MODEL is built. This underscores Belemaoil’s determination to positively initiate and execute development projects that are economically, socially & environmentally sustainable, not only within our Host Communities but also our Stakeholder Communities within Rivers State & indeed other parts of Nigeria.
With our signature project of providing WHO & NAFDAC Certified potable water for our operating communities, we have solved one of the most critical needs of these communities where we operate. We have also extended this gesture as an indigenous E&P company, to other parts of the country were similar situations as it is found in our Host Communities exists.
Our Vision is to ensure that potable water which is essential to human sustainability and development is provided and made available to all communities within our operational areas as well as other parts of our country.
The quality of our on-going Road Projects & other infrastructural developments within our Host Communities particularly in Kula and Idama speaks volumes in testament to the efficacy of our Sustainable Development Stride as encapsulated in our BELEMAOIL MODEL